December 07, 2019

Rynaldo “Rino” Munoz

Dover, New Jersey, One of the world’s most perfect human beings has been freed of his handicaps and challenges. Mr. Rynaldo (Rino) Munoz, 39, died on December 7, 2019 at St. Clare’s Hospital in Dover. He was born and lived in Dover, NJ most of his life. He spent some time in Largo, Florida along with his parents and sister, before returning to Oak Ridge, NJ this year.

He enjoyed a wonderfully social life, frequently visiting his favorite hot spots with his Dad, Humberto, wearing his shades and chains, and enjoying their daily cheeseburger lunches. He loved to ride his tricycle in the neighborhood but, swimming was his passion. Everyone who ever met him was captured by his smile, his sense of humor, and his dance. And, in his mind, he WAS Batman.

He was a member of the A R C of Morris County. He was a Junior Black Belt – H (handicapped) in Isshinryu Karate at New Jersey Martial Arts Academy. He was the inspiration behind an entire movement to include the handi-capable martial arts in all tournaments, but on a more personal level was the motivating factor for his brother, Marvin to design an entire Handi-capable martial arts program back in 1996. This program stays active today.

He was a loving Uncle and shared so much with his two nieces, Ashley Carmona with whom he would watch Batman Marathons with on Saturday mornings, and Daniela Womack, who would spend hours with him swimming in the pool He helped his nephew Michael Carmona to learn how to ride a bike, showing him how to not be afraid.

Rino’s life would not be complete without his sister, Carol. She was his caretaker day in and day out. Her love, attention, and cooking made Rino’s life full, pure, and innocent. He often encouraged her to take time out of her day to stop…and just blow bubbles. He also helped her to dance like nobody was watching. Turn on some Salsa and off he would go.

He was predeceased by his mother Deyanira (Carmona) Munoz in 2017 and is survived by his father Humberto P Munoz of Oak Ridge, brother Marvin A (and Kelly) Carmona of Randolph, sister Carolina Rosa of Oak Ridge, and by his two nieces and a nephew, Ashley and Michael Carmona, and Daniela Womack.

Rino gave so much to so many, and the memories we all have will be cherished forever. “Dancing with your feet is one thing, but dancing with the heart is another” – Anonymous. Rino took his dance with him, but he will dance in our hearts forever.

His Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, December 28th, 2019 at 3 pm at the Sacred Heart R C Church in Dover, NJ. Arrangements are by the Davis & Hepplewhite Funeral Home, 96 Main Street, Succasunna, NJ, 973-584-7264, ( Donations may be made in his name to The SMILE of Hopatcong ( 39 Lakeside Blvd, Hopatcong, NJ 07843. You may also share your own photos in his online photo album at


Dover, Nueva Jersey, uno de los seres humanos más perfectos del mundo ha sido liberado de sus desventajas y desafíos. El Sr. Rynaldo (Rino) Muñoz, de 39 años, murió el 7 de diciembre de 2019 en el Hospital St. Clare en Dover. Nació y vivió en Dover, NJ, la mayor parte de su vida. Pasó un tiempo en Largo, Florida, junto con sus padres y su hermana, antes de regresar a Oak Ridge, NJ este año.

Disfrutaba de una vida social maravillosa, visitaba con frecuencia sus lugares favoritos con su papá, Humberto con sus gafas, cadenas, y disfrutaba de sus almuerzos diarios de hamburguesas con queso y papitas fritas. Le encantaba montar su triciclo en el vecindario, pero nadar era su pasión. Todos los que lo conocieron fueron capturados por su sonrisa, su sentido del humor y su baile. Y, en su opinión, él era Batman.

Fue miembro del ARC del condado de Morris. Él era un Junior Black Belt – H (discapacitado) en Karate Isshinryu en la Academia de Artes Marciales de Nueva Jersey. Fue la inspiración detrás de todo un movimiento para incluir las artes marciales aptas para discapacitados en todos los torneos, pero en un nivel más personal fue el factor motivador para su hermano, Marvin, para diseñar un programa completo de artes marciales aptas para discapacitados en 1996. Esto El programa se mantiene activo hoy.

Era un tío amoroso y compartía mucho con sus dos sobrinas, Ashley Carmona con quien veía los maratones de Batman los sábados por la mañana, y Daniela Womack, quien pasaría horas con él nadando en la piscina. Ayudó a su sobrino Michael Carmona a aprender cómo andar en bicicleta, mostrándole cómo no tener miedo.

La vida de Rino no estaría completa sin su hermana, Carol. Ella era su cuidadora día tras día. Su amor, atención y cocina hicieron que la vida de Rino fuera plena, pura e inocente. A menudo la alentaba a tomarse un tiempo de su día para detenerse … y simplemente soplar burbujas. También la ayudó a bailar como si nadie estuviera mirando. Enciende un poco de salsa y se irá.

Le fallecieron su madre Deyanira (Carmona) Muñoz en 2017 y le sobreviven su padre Humberto P Muñoz de Oak Ridge, el hermano Marvin A (y Kelly) Carmona de Randolph, su hermana Carolina Rosa de Oak Ridge, y sus dos sobrinas y un sobrino, Ashley y Michael Carmona, y Daniela Womack.

Rino dio mucho a tantos, y los recuerdos que todos tenemos serán atesorados para siempre. “Bailar con los pies es una cosa, pero bailar con el corazón es otra” – Anónimo. Rino llevó su baile con él, pero bailará en nuestros corazones para siempre.

Los arreglos privados son por Davis & Hepplewhite Funeral Home, 96 Main Street, Succasunna, NJ, 973-584-7264, ( Se pueden hacer donaciones en su nombre a The SMILE of Hopatcong ( 39 Lakeside Blvd, Hopatcong, NJ 07843.




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